Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hey i am home heheh here are some pics <3

Sunday, March 21, 2010

goodbye nordquest hello homework !!!!!!

my cousin is home and better thanks for praying ..... so i had my graduation dance on friday it was a lot of fun but we wrer kinda sad because it is over :(   so g2g love ya !! alllllll <3 <3<3 p.s who is your fav on american idol !!!! . bye

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

please pray

i got a call from my grandmother amd my new cousin from china just went in the hospital he is 1 and hhe had a seauser . so please pray.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pacquiao and Clottey Wallpapers/Photos/Images

Pacquiao and Clottey Wallpapers/Photos/Images. See the wallpapers, photos, images and photo galleries of Pacquiao and Clottey live fight. Watch the biggest fight event of Manny Pacquiao vs. Joshua Clottey live tomorrow.

This boxing fight is for the WBO World welterweight championship, billed as The Event of Manny Pacquiao vs. Joshua Clottey live fight. The boxing fight will be held March 14, 2010 at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington Texas, United States.

Click this:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

i am leaving right now

i am leaving now my mom is in the shower and my dad is puting stuff in the car and my sis is taking about the trip . i am geting dressed and  writing to you all i am going to miss all of you sososososoososososososososososoososososooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooososososo
sosososososoooososososoos much !!! oh and i am txting kate  right now you are all at trek and chour while i am leaving i am sososos happy but i amamamam very sad ): ): i am going to miss you alll so much .. it is 50 % in washington dc hehehehe sososoos happy . it is wild i am leaving on the plane at 11:30 pm and landing at 7am hehehehe soooo wild well gtg family is calling i am realy going to miss you alllllllllllll love you sosososoosososos much  love jannay   p.s dont forget to txt me !!!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

leaving sooon !!!

so today in my bible study it was about how to love oneanother how we need to love and help the poor and needy  .. so the song that is on my heart now is all that metters from addison road . ( it rocks)****
i am leaving tomarrow night for washington dc hehehehehe i cant belive it sososos happy !!!!
 so yah gtg post more pic bye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love jannay !!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

my first blog heheheh ( it is the bome) !!!!!!

i just finished making my blog it rocks hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !!!!!!!  it is like realy late  i am sososos happy i am going to washington dc soon heheeh so happy . is the best wedsite ever .....   you should all chek it out .so i will be writing about mt bible studys and my days .  today was titled singing in the rain it was about all the tryels in life . sososoos i will post more later my the lord bless your day       love jannay  

my cousins

these are my new cousins alex and bruno i love them sosososos much

i love to be with friends

me and kate

claire s


hannah peace!!!!

wird friends !!

singing in the rain

today my bible study was about leaning on god in every situation . when things happen unespectedly sing for god praise him. last night i was watching american idol and one of the contestents named jamar was going home and ryan asked" are you disapointed that you are going home ". and i loved what he said " there is no disapointment in god". so today what ever you go threw praise the lord and remember there is no disapointment in the lord . i am ssosoosososo happy i got a blog yahhhh !!!!!! gtg bye !!! (:(: