Monday, July 11, 2011

Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Takes on Big Business

Every day normal people and their right to a jury trial are under attack. The Chamber of Commerce is a front for big business, insurance companies, railroads and banks and does not want to protect the ordinary citizen. According to big business, Illinois' economy is being affected by lawsuits. As a Chicago personal injury lawyer, Jerry Vinkler is committed to fighting big business. Vinkler Law Offices, Ltd. represents people whose lives have been changed by the neglect of others, negligent drivers and negligent doctors. The Chamber of Commerce spends millions every year to try to keep good people who have been injured from obtaining justice in a courtroom by restricting the right to a jury trial. Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler obtains justice for victims in jury trials.
Besides preparing every case to go to trial, Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler fights to protect the right to jury trial by writing, giving talks, and providing facts to the public so the truth is told about big business. The right to a jury trial is not just for large corporations. Equal justice means equal access to the courts.
Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler tries lawsuits every year in Illinois courts, as well as all state and federal courts. One Chamber organization that hides its true nature is the Illinois Civil Justice League, which is run by the Chamber of Commerce. In 2010 it spent over $667,000 to try to buy a seat on the Illinois Supreme Court for a candidate who made it clear he would protect big business. Our judges are not for sale. Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler fights to keep our civil justice system open to ordinary citizens who do not have the money to fight big business. Without a Chicago personal injury lawyer to protect the public, big business will have their way and stop jury trials for the ordinary citizen.
The Illinois State medical Society is the other faction seeking to destroy our civil justice system. Recently it falsely claimed doctors are leaving Illinois due to lawsuits. Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler presented a talk at the DuPage Inns of Court February 23 to dispel this myth. At information is available to see how tort reform is really designed to take away jury trials for normal people. Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler stands between you and the medical society, insurance companies and big business as they try to take away your right to a jury trial.
Every year the Chamber tries to convince Americans there are too many lawsuits, or there is lawsuit abuse. Recently Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler learned the Chamber of Commerce files over 130 lawsuits every year. This is truly lawsuit abuse. Proper lawsuits for those injured from malpractice do not go forward as often as they should. A 1990 Harvard Study found 3.7% of all patients were injured by malpractice, but only 1 in 8 bring a lawsuit. Chicago personal injury lawyer Jerry Vinkler files lawsuits in every county in Illinois for patients injured by malpractice.

To find out more about Jerry Vinkler, a Chicago personal injury lawyer, contact him at his office at 7045  Veterans Boulevard, Burr Ridge, IL by calling 630-655-9545 or visit his website at
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